keep going的用法与搭配
- The best skaters take a fall and keep going with a smile .
- 最优秀的滑冰运动员跌倒了会爬起来带着微笑继续滑行。
- Will you stay motivated and keep going if you don 't build an audience right away ?
- 你能保持动力,并且即使是你没有很快地建立读者群也依然继续写下去吗?
- Can prices keep going higher ?
- 银价能否继续走高?
- Because you can just sent it once to keep going .
- 因为你推它一下它就一直走下去。
- She would start around noon and keep going until she went to bed .
- 她差不多从中午开始喝酒,一直喝到上床睡觉。
- Just don 't expect it to keep going at its current rate for ever .
- 只是不要指望它能够按照目前的速度继续一路增长下去就是了。
- Keep going straight along the street .
- 沿着这条街一直向前走。
- If you keep going and continue making whatever adjustment are needed how can you fail ?
- 假如你继续前进并不断做出必要的调整的话,你怎么可能会失败呢?
- Learn from them and keep going .
- 从其中吸取教训并坚持下去。
- In the meantime oddly enough the best course is to keep going and pretend it won 't happen .
- 同时,说来也怪,但目前最好的做法是继续前行,假装这种情况不会发生。